Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rain, Run and an iPhone

When the threat of the storm subsided, I decided to trek out to Millenium Park (my favorite) for a quick run. Physical exercise benefits aside, what I gained was so much more.

I wish I could have snapped everything I saw (although, it wouldn't have been much of a run):
ducks, geese, other birds, a beaver (I think), rainbows (yes, multiple), flowers and foliage, gorgeous lilacs so fragrant after the much nature enjoyed. Can't wait to go back with my good camera. Highlights below!

It started with a rainbow...

Dramatic clouds passing through as I ran in the rain...

Trillium nestled in the trees...

Fresh foliage, nesting birds and the rainbow still peeking through...

An abundance of birdhouses for an ongoing nature study, tried to snap one but it flew away...

The rainbow returned, firmly anchoring the rising moon...

And, ended with a double rainbow and catching the reflection in the pond...

Ok, one more view, my fave pic of the evening...


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